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Vollständige Version anzeigen: Endlich das Rad patentiert
Wheel patented in Australia
18:18 03 July 01
An Australian man has been issued with an innovation patent for the wheel after setting out to test the workability of a new national patent system.

John Keogh was issued the innovation patent for a "circular transportation facilitation device" under a patent system introduced in May 2001.

The innovation patent is designed to provide a quick, easy and cheap alternative to a traditional patent for small businesses. It replaces the petty patent in Australia and is even easier to process. Applications for innovation patents can even be made online.

While a standard patent must be drafted by a lawyer with engineering or science qualifications and must also demonstrate a significant advance, the innovation patent need only to show an advance.

Keogh, who is a freelance patent lawyer himself, says that he applied for the patent in order to test this new class of new patents. He says that innovation patents are not examined in detail by the Australian patent office.

"The patent office would be required to issue a patent for everything," he told The Age newspaper. "All they're doing is putting a rubber stamp on it."


Sehr, sehr lustig, in Australien haben sie ein neues Patentsystem eingeführt, dass die Bearbeitung für kleinere Firmen billiger und schneller machen soll. Woraufhin ein findiger Anwalt sich gleich einmal das Rad patentieren hat lassen. Klar, dass das nicht vor Gericht standhält, aber das Patent hat er erst einmal.
so ein mist... das hätte mir auch einfallen können sad.gif